
Cesar Neves
Partner - Director - Teacher at the Pé Descalço School

Born in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, he started dancing because of a volunteering social initiative made by his teacher and partner Luis Henrique Resende.

In 2005, in addition to being a teacher, he was already partner of the Pé Descalço School. The development increased exponentially in 2009 when invitations to give workshops started coming from south eastern Brazil. In 2011 he went on his first European tour, passing through Germany, Portugal, Netherlands and France. In 2012 he won second place in the Brazilian Forró Cup and made a second tour abroad, this time not only in Europe but also to Asia, invited to teach workshops in Japan. In 2013 once again he is invited to tour in Europe, covering Germany, Russia and Portugal. This same year he taught in Forró in Rio, in Rio de Janeiro and organised the Minas Gerais stage of the Brazilian Forró Cup. In 2015 he is again invited to Japan and in 2016 to Germany, Russia, Portugal. From Portugal he went straight to Porto Alegre’s 4th Forró Encounter with Juzinha. This same year he organized with two other partners the BH Forró Festival, the first Forró dance festival in his home town. In March of 2017 he started a new stage of his career opening a Pé Descalço unit in London, UK.


Additional Information

Grupo ou Escola de Dança: Pé Descalço
Especialidades de Aula no Festival (em inglês): Pé Descalço
Cidade e País de Origem: Belo Horizonte - Brasil
Cidade e País onde vive atualmente: London - United Kingdom



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