Fernando Correa



Fernando Correa Graduated in Physical Education, dancer and musician, Fernando studied and taught dance and percussion lessons at the “Instituto Brincante” in São Paulo and has been playing and teaching forró in the past 15 years, in private lessons and dance schools in Sao Paulo .

Despite of being born in Sao Paulo, the most urban city in the country, since his childhood, Fernando identified himself with popular traditions of Brazil, listening to the Coco de embolada, Repente Poetry, traditional work songs and especially Capoeira.

In 1999 he started in the xenhenhem of Forró, in the nights of São paulo,
Campinas and in the festivals of Itaunas.

Since 2004 he has been traveling throughout Brazil in the parties and sambadas of
Coco de Roda, Cavalo Marinho, Samba de Roda, Ciranda, Maracatu, Bumba meu Boi, Carimbó and others “brincadeiras”.
Fernando seeked for learning with the ancient masters of these traditions, and thanks to these profound experiences within the traditional music of Brazil he could get closer of the roots of the rhythms that compose current forró!

In 2016 he made his first tour in Europe teaching Forró and since March 2017, he is established in Nice - France, teaching in the Forró de Nice association and giving workshops in some cities between France and Italy and some festivals as well(Nice Forró Festival- France, O Baião Vai- Lisbom). Besides that Fernando has been playing zabumba along Léo Correa - Forró de Rabeca and has also played Rabeca for some cities and festivals where he has passed.

As a musician and dancer, Fernando sees no boundaries between playing and dancing.
One and the other ... everything is one thing and the challenge is to make that feeling manifest, exchange it among the dancers,the players, the public. Harmony, connection, fluidity, sound, silence, movement, pause ... all together, interspersed, mixed... at the same time!


Additional Information

Grupo ou Escola de Dança: Boi da Garoa
Especialidades de Aula no Festival (em inglês): Energy, Connection To propose different energy qualities related to Forró. Apply the concept of challenging /provocative /creative connection at forró! Leaders and followers skills, desplacements. Working the precision in the communication during the displacements and turns anticipation/leader, promptness/follower.
Cidade e País de Origem: São Paulo Brasil
Cidade e País onde vive atualmente: Nice, França, mas estarei em Genova, Italia



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