Henni e Terra dançando forró



Terra Pasqualini was born in Minas Gerais and grew up in São Paulo. At the age of 15, he discovered the mid-90s strongly growing Forró scene in São Paulo, began to learn the dance and frequented the booming Casas de Forró of São Paulo. This new interpretation and development of Forró – the urbanisation of the traditional Forró Pé-de-Serra – is what stamps Terra’s dance style and also what he transmits to his pupils. Terra is co-founder and chief executive of the Brazilian cultural association Verein Brasilianischer Kulturen Stuttgart e.V. and of Europe’s greatest Forró festival Forró de Domingo Festival. Since 2002, he lives in Germany and is regarded as one of the main characters in the dissemination of Forró in Europe.


Henni Pasqualini was born, grown up in Germany and she is already engaged in the Brazilian culture for more than 15 years. 2006 Henni started to dance Forró more intensively and in the same year she participated in the first Forró de Domingo in Stuttgart. Starting with a constant support to the Forró scene in Stuttgart, she is a fix part of the organisation team of Europe’s greatest Forró Festival. She accompanied all Forró de Domingo Festivals, working as editor, advertiser, teacher, and above all as organiser and contact person for the participants. With enthusiasm she devotes herself in the spread and support of the Brazilian couple dance in Europe.


Additional Information

Grupo ou Escola de Dança: Dança Bonita
Especialidades de Aula no Festival (em inglês): A new interpretation and development of Forró – the urbanisation of the traditional Forró Pé-de-Serra - Forró Universitário
Cidade e País de Origem: Leopoldo, Minas Gerais e Brasil
Cidade e País onde vive atualmente: Herrenberg, Germany



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