
Marcio Juruna, started dancing at the age of 12 (1995) observing his older siblings in the Brazilian forró capital, the Itaúnas village. Since then throughout his 22 years dancer and teacher of forró has been developing and creating new steps, thus acquired his own style of dance.
In recognition of his talent for forró Marcio Juruna excelled in the world of dance, specifically in the forró pé-de-serra; which has earned him several participations in festivals in Brazil (Remelexo, Rootstock, Minasroots, Bar Forró, Rio de Janeiro, Montes Claros, Brasilia, ...). As a result, he has participated in several festivals in Europe (Festival de Domingo 2013, Pé na terra and Viva Baião in Portugal 2013, Dublin, Russia, Amsterdam, ...).
In 2017 he participated in ForróFest in Boston-USA and gave a workshop in New York.


Luana Santos, began to dance in February 2016 in a project of forró pé-serra lessons in Vila de Itaúnas. In May of the same year he began his classes with Marcio Juruna; she has since become her dance partner.
In the year 2017 he began his experience with classes in a project of Teofilo Otoni, MG- Brazil. It then expanded into FENFIT 2017 (forró de Itaúnas festival), together with Marcio Juruna, in group classes at Bar Forró and Café Brasil; besides offering during the 7 days of festival private lessons.


Additional Information

Grupo ou Escola de Dança: Marcio Costa e Luana Santos
Especialidades de Aula no Festival (em inglês): Footwork
Cidade e País de Origem: Itaúnas, Espírito Santo- Brasil
Cidade e País onde vive atualmente: Itaúnas, Espiríto Santo- Brasil



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