Gilberto Paixão



Gilberto Paixão entered the world of dance at the end of 1998, at the height of axé music, with lambaeróbica. In 2001, he joined the company Swingue D'Ajuda, spreading the rhythm through Bahia. In this period, he had his first contacts with the university forró, an activity that was beginning to be divulged in the fitness academies of RJ. In 2003, after being registered in the dance professionals' union in Rio de Janeiro, he was invited to participate in the development of a new modality of this rhythm, Forró Cassino, becoming one of the main diffusers. Created his own company. dance, Who Dance is Happier, which has now become a trademark. From there, began the creation of an academic project that used Forró Cassino in the development of children's psychomotor. Today he teaches classes at Forró in various spaces, and participates in the main events related to forró Pé de Serra in Brazil and in Europe since 2014.

Recent Activities:
- Jury of the forró contest of the Centro de Tradições Nordestinas Luís Gonzaga (São Cristóvão Fair), in 2011
-Participant of the faculty of the world festival of forró, Forró In Rio, in 2013
Member of the Ginga Tropical show of Brazilian dances in 2013
-Participant in the faculty of Forró de Domingo Festival in Stuttgart in Germany (2014/2016/2017)
-Participant in the faculty of Ai Que Bom Festival Rio de Janeiro (2015/2016/2017)
-Participant in the faculty of Ai Que Bom Paris (2015/2016/2017)
-Participant in the faculty of Ai Que Bom Bruxelas (2015/2016/2017)


Additional Information

Grupo ou Escola de Dança: Jimmy de Oliveira e Quem Dança é mais Feliz
Especialidades de Aula no Festival (em inglês): Forró Nordestino Forró Cassino Pé de Serra Universitário Roots Itaúnas
Cidade e País de Origem: Rio de janeiro Brazil
Cidade e País onde vive atualmente: Rio de janeiro



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