Fábio Reis & Mileide Alexandre



Fabio Reis, dancer, teacher and choreographer of ballroom dances, has as his main dance Forró, a rhythm that has been researching over the past 15 years. Since then, he has won twice the Brazilian Forró Championship, awards in national and international dance festivals, traveled to several countries in South America, Europe and Asia, has appeared in many TV shows, dance congresses throughout Brazil and his last conquer was as best Forró teacher of Brazil in 2015 and 2016 (Troféu Baila Mundo). His research in ballroom dancing and Brazilian folk led him to develop a multicultural forró dance, without prejudice, because in his opinion Forró is one of the richest dance in terms of styles and different way to dance the same music.
Currently Fábio lives in Stuttgart - Germany, working with the Dança Bonito, Forró Daki in Karlsruhe and teaching Forró around the world.


Mileide Alexandre, is dancer, teacher and choreographer. This Pernambucana born in Recife, has worked with ballroom dancing for 27 years, and Forró is her main focus. She was part on many Dance Companies as: Deborah Colker, Jaime Âroxa and Carlinhos de Jesus . She also was partner for 10 years of the great forrozeiro Jô Passos. Her experiences with dance are not only in the forró, she is specialist in popular dances (coco, maracatu, frevo, xaxado, caboclinho, among others). She has participated in some television's programs in Brazil; several national and international events. Now living in Portugal, she is along with Fábio Reis spreading all the love that she feels for forró wherever she goes.


Additional Information

Grupo ou Escola de Dança: Dança Bonito
Especialidades de Aula no Festival (em inglês): Musicality, Conexion, Effect’s Steps, Comunication, Dinamic, Interaction in Xote, Interaction in Baião, Criativity, Ladies Styles, Men’s Styles, etc
Cidade e País de Origem: São Paulo Brasil
Cidade e País onde vive atualmente: Stuttgart Alemanha



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