Evandro Paz e Valéria Daki



Evandro Paz is a much respected teacher, teacher of a lot of teachers, and always holds interesting classes that fascinated his students. Look out for some clever footwork.
Evandro’s expertise has always been the Forró Pé-de-Serra style of Forró as seen in many night clubs in São Paulo.

Evandro has been working in Forró since 1995, sharing his skills in classes and workshops worldwide as well as at one of the most famous and traditional clubs in Brazil, Remelexo in São Paulo.

He´s graduating in dance from the University Anhembi Morumbi focusing His studies on bringing pupil’s attention to their balance and movement through steps and body awareness.

His teaching style focuses on leading and following using all parts of the body through various techniques in the dance to understand more deeply the concept and dynamics of the couples harmony that makes Forró so special.


Additional Information

Grupo ou Escola de Dança: Forró
Especialidades de Aula no Festival (em inglês): 1- Teacher training - 2- Embrace /balance: feeling the contact and weight change - 3 -Turn at the same spot clockwise/anti clockwise conecting with turns in contra - 4- Footwork twists, contras - 5- Arrasta Pé - 6- dancing with displacement in the hall - 7- Tips about Leading/following - 8- How keepi the rhythm - 9 - body leading - 10 - The pleasure of letting someone drive you.
Cidade e País de Origem: São Paulo
Cidade e País onde vive atualmente: Brasil



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