Foto do Professor Rudolfo e Sarah Scherhag



Rudolfo was born in Olinda, in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Even as a child Rudolfo Batista da Silva was passionate about the folklore, the culture but mostly about the dances of this region of the northeast of Brazil (Nordeste). During his childhood he participated in many of the typical parties called Festas Juninas, dancing in the cultural capitals of Pernambuco. At the age of 14 Rudolfo’s interest in Forró grew and he started learning the typical styles of the northeastern region. When he was 19 he was introduced to the Forró Universitário style, learning it and mixing it with his Forró Nordestino. In 2010 he moved to the city of Cologne in Germany, where he founded the group Forró de Colônia.


Sarah Scherhag Cologne, Germany. In 2011 Sarah started dancing Forró in the group of Forró de Colônia and immediately fell in love with the music, the dance and the Brazilian culture in general. Since then she has been to more than 30 Forró-Festivals in Europe, Japan, United States and Brazil. As an assistant for many different Forró teachers she gained experience in teaching diverse types and styles in Forró and since 2015 she gives regular classes for Forró de Colônia. As a professional figure skater, she has the best references in teaching basics of balance and body control, as well as posture and elegance in dancing.


Additional Information

Grupo ou Escola de Dança: Forro de Colonia
Especialidades de Aula no Festival (em inglês): Didactics, Forro Dinamico, Arrasta-pé
Cidade e País de Origem: Olinda - Brasil
Cidade e País onde vive atualmente: Colonia - Alemanha



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