Ricardo H. Zambon



Ricardo H. Zambon was born in Valinhos, a small city in the state of São Paulo. In 2005, I began to learn to dance Forró in a well-known nightclub and dance school in Campinas-SP, called Cooperativa Brasil. For many years this dance house was the main reference of Forró Universitário in the state.
At the end of 2005, after going through a selective process, I started as a student in the dance group of Cooperativa Brasil, where I stayed for a year. In 2006, I started teaching Forró at Cooperativa Brasil and I did it until 2012, the year in which the place was closed. In that same year, I started my degree in Physical Education at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), since then Forró became my main activity. In 2014, together with a partner, Guilherme Mansini, we founded a Forró Universitário group called "Proibido Cochilar" We had the proposal of teaching Forró in a funny and relaxed way, so that these concepts could cross the limits of the classrooms, adding to the students' lives.
In 2015, we participated for the first time of Copa Brasil de Forró (Brazilian Forro Cup). As the main technician and adviser, I helped our teacher Wenderson Rocha and, until then, our two monitors Aline Ferreira and Fernanda Brito to compete. In that year we won the 4th place in Pé de Serra Salão modality and the vice champion in the category of Pé de Serra Estilos, both in the semi professional category.
In 2016, we continued to participate of Copa Brasil de Forró. As the leader of the group, I created a training program to improve the couple's harmony, lady's autonomy, musicality, among other concepts. The training program aimed to make the dance more dialogic and harmonious. With the total dedication of the team, the results appeared: Aline Ferreira and Wenderson Rocha were the champions of Pé de Serra Estilos modality, semi professional category; Fernanda Brito and Matheus Franco were vice champion of Pé de Serra Estilos modality, professional category; Aline Ferreira and Wenderson Rocha won the third place in Pé de Serra Estilos modality professional category.
In 2017 our participation in the competition has consecrated us as the group of Forró Universitário most awarded in Pé de Serra Estilos modality of Brazil. Even competing with great dance schools from all over the country, our group brought significant results: Maria Ap. Martins and Tales L. da Aparecida were champions in the style of Pé de Serra Estilos modality, amateur category; Aline Vilhena and Tiago Oliveira were vice champion in Pé de Serra Estilos modality, amateur category; Fernanda Brito and Wenderson Rocha were champions in Pé de Serra Estilos, semi professional category; Aline Ferreira and Wenderson Rocha won the third place in Pé de Serra Estilos, professional category.
In three editions of Copa Brasil de Forró we got three champion school trophies and several podiums! Today we can say that we are the most awarded Forró Universitário group in our region and one of the best in Brazil.
In the academic field; Minister forró lessons in the extension project of UNICAMP since 2013. In 2017, I wrote a project "Tá na sangue e no suor: The signs of corporal practices of Forró Universitário" that was contemplated with a PIBIC scholarship. This paper was done with the aim of contributing to the democratization of knowledge, offering tools for the Physical Education teachers to include it in the school curriculum. It was already presented at a congress, and it is just waiting for the publication process.


Additional Information

Grupo ou Escola de Dança: Proibido Cochilar
Especialidades de Aula no Festival (em inglês): I would like to teach a class that collaborates with dialogue in dance, increasing the lady's autonomy, allowing more space for her to express herself during the dance. But I can give lessons in flourishes, musicality, among other classes.
Cidade e País de Origem: Valinhos - SP, Brasil
Cidade e País onde vive atualmente: Valinhos - SP, Brasil



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