


Julia had her first Forró class in 2011 in Cologne with Maria de Bahia and later with Rudolfo and Vê and she felt in love with this dance ever since. What she likes most about Forró is its happiness, its diversity of dancestyles and of paces inbetween the different rhythms of music you can dance Forró to. Julia went to almost all available Forró Festivals in 2011-2013 and as she had already been dancing Ballett, Hip Hop etc since she was a little child and Salsa since 2008 she improved quite fast and startet soon to give her own classes together with Markus Scherer within the teachers group from FdC. After studying dances more intensively in Cuba for 6 month she formed the group Forró TMJ in 2014 together with Tiago Moraes and Markus Scherer and they started developing together a completely own and unique concept of teaching social dances. It is based on different ideas of connection and techniques for leading and following to make social dancing comfortable and giving the dancers the possibility of applying the concept to every social dance, to every dancer and to have the freedom to control all the movements to the music together with the partner. Also leader and follower in the dance are both included with absolutely same responsability and possibilities within the dance and the classes. With this concept they teached since then Forró, Zouk, Salsa Cubana and Samba de Gafieira classes. Some of their biggest achievements have been teaching in the Forró de Colônia Festival 2013; Forró de Domingo Stuttgart Festival 2017 and teaching at Forrómania in Portugal 2017. And there is more to come! They are always working on learning more and more, may it be other Forró Styles as also other social dances as West Coast Swing, Tango, Bachata, Kizomba etc. because every new influence could make you a better dancer and teacher.


Tiago Moraes, since he was a child Tiago has been involved with dancing & teaching, in the School he was responsible to choreograph plenty of
group performances involving all kind or rhythmus. Tiago is also a Capoeira teacher since he was 12 years old. Capoeira helped him to create not only physical & teaching skills but
also musicality conscience, later improved when he started to play Drums.
Tiago studied 2,5 years Physical Education (licenciature) in Brazil. At this period was invited to Thays Reis´s Group to dance Jazz for 1,5 year. When he finally started his Bachelor in Sports & Performance in Cologne (Germany) on 2011 he started to have Classes With Rudolfo on Forró de Colonia and began to go to every festival as possible and dedicated himself to learn Forró.
On 2013 he joined the teacherteam to give classes on FdC. on 2014 he spent 7 months in Brazil at Pé Descalço School, where he got the honor to do the Vermelha exam. Back in Cologne Tiago, Markus & Julia founded the Forró TMJ where they used their wide background on different sports and different type of dances to created their own method of teaching. They are responsible for the organization of the successful „Workshop Komplex“, they dedicated themselves to learn other kind of Ballroom dances so they can keep improving even more as dancers and teachers
Tiago has been giving Workshops all around Europe doing the two things that he is passionate to… Teaching & Dancing.


Additional Information

Grupo ou Escola de Dança: Forró TMJ
Especialidades de Aula no Festival (em inglês): universal social dance lead and follow technique, bodyisolations (xique xique, bodywave/ondinha etc.) ; ,turning technique (especially turning on the line and right side turn), musicality (especially phrases), getting a good dance connection through frame and other techniques, dark side figures and sequences, repique,
Cidade e País de Origem: Köln (Colonia), Deutschland ( Alemanha )
Cidade e País onde vive atualmente: Köln (Colonia), Deutschland ( Alemanha )



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