Felipe Abreu



Juzinha Professor of forró since 2007. Dancer and choreographer. Participation in the Festival Ai Que Bom (Brussels) and the Festival in Russia (Saint Petersburg) plus workshops in London, Munich, Paris and Milan in June and July 2015.
Participation in the Festival of Amsterdam (Holland), Festival of Cologne (Germany) and Festival of Rome (Italy), more workshops in Darmsdad, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Hamburg, Munich, London and Freiburg from September to October 2016.
Participation as choreographer and dancer in the forró show (ForAll), at the Teatro Jorge Amado on December 03, 2015.
Participation in the Salon Meeting in Salvador in 2015 and 2016.
Participation in Forró London Itaunas Project in July 2015 and 2016.
Attended the 4th semester in dance at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA).
Founder and Professor of the ForroPolitano dance group from 2009 to 2013.
Founder and administrator of the Essence Dance Academy since 2014.
Professor of the W.A Academy in the Doctors' Club since December 2011.
Professor in the geriatric sector of the Centro Médico do Vale in the Vale do Canela neighborhood.
Scholarship holder at the Bahian Ballroom Dance Academy (ABDS) in 2012.
He is a researcher on the importance of dance in the third age, on the history, rhythms, musicians and the evolution of forró in and out of Salvador-BA.
I participated in forró festivals in São Paulo (Rootstock and Carnaroots), Brasília (Cerrado Roots), Minas Gerais (Viva ao Baião), Espírito Santo (National Festival of Forró de Itaúnas).
Participation in the dance contest in Itaúnas-ES and Ilhéus-BA, earning the 1st place in the latter.
Participation of the workshop of Dance of Contemporary Salon ministered by the CIA of Dance Mimulus of Belo Horizonte in the theater Vila Velha.
He was present at the UFBA and UNEB festival, at the Diplomata Theater (celebration of the 10-year success of the Dance Feliz group), during the culture week of the Jorge Amado college, at the FIEB / SENAI-CIMATEC event, among others within the School of Dance.
Ministered a workshop at the Thales de Azevedo College through PIBID and at the UFBA Dance School.
Ministered course of Forró Pé de Serra with duration of 30h in the Núcleo de Dança Vinicius da Costa from November 22 to 26, 2010 in Goiânia / GO.
He developed works at the Conexão Saúde gym in Pituba district, cond. Meeting of the Waters in Lauro de Freitas, in the Combate Club academy in Vilas do Atlântico and with the third age in the district of Bomfim.


Mari Vilas


Additional Information

Grupo ou Escola de Dança: Essência Academia de Dança
Especialidades de Aula no Festival (em inglês): Sacadas e Pêndulos Sacadas e Pêndulos Ambidestro Musicalidade Ritmo Expressão Corporal Xaxado Xote Conexão Abraços Movimentos de Braço Improvisação Elementos essenciais na Dança
Cidade e País de Origem: Salvador - Bahia - Brasil
Cidade e País onde vive atualmente: Salvador - Bahia - Brasil



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