
April 13, 2017 0



1) We are living in an isolation condition of

lonely crowds

Every day that goes by, people are more connected virtually to a sense of belonging. But what really happens, is the opposite. The more we ‘hangout’ looking at screens, the less we hang out looking at each other in real life.

We dance forró as a lifestyle. We connect to each other, face to face, body to body and not through a screen. Taken by the “forrozear”, we crave REAL connections. And proof of that is the increasing number of forró festivals spread out in Europe and other countries, as USA and Japan.

“There’s an immediacy available when we put down our smartphones and dive into the present moment at a festival. Because what we need are IRL (In Real Life) experiences, while we drown in a sea of URLs.” (Written by Tim Ferriss)

Finding in Europe a forró community so surrendered, and so devoted to the rhythm, capable of learning a new language, just because forrozeiras & forrozeiros want to understand the lyrics of the songs, is to transcend the borders of itself. It is getting in touch with your origins, through people who you may never have met before. And finally we understand the power of sharing real and unique moments in a dance ritual.

At the end of every festival we send out our satisfaction survey in order to offer new and improved experiences for the next edition. We get many answers saying it is a lot of fun but it is also – perhaps this is the most important – a real opportunity to connect to people from other places who are also dancing forró in real life…



1) Nós estamos vivendo numa condição de isolamento em

multidões solitárias

Cada dia que passa, nós estamos mais conectados virtualmente a um sentimento de pertencimento. Mas o que realmente acontece, é o oposto. Quanto mais ficamos olhando às telas, menos nos olhamos, olhos nos olhos.

Nós dançamos forró como um estilo de vida. Onde nos conectamos um com o outro, rosto e corpo colados e não com a cara na tela. Levados pelo forrozear, nós imploramos por conexões REAIS. E a prova disso é o aumento do número de festivais de forró espalhados pela Europa e outros países, como EUA e Japão.

“Há um imediatismo disponível quando desligamos nossos ‘Espertofones” e mergulhamos no presente momento em um festival. Porque o que precisamos são experiências IRL (Na Vida Real), enquanto nos afogamos em um mar de URLs.” (Escrito por Tim Ferriss)

Encontrar na Europa uma comunidade de forró tão entregue e tão devota ao ritmo, capaz de aprender uma nova língua, só porque forrozeiras&forrozeiros querem entender as letras das canções. Isto é transcender as fronteiras de si mesmo. É entrar em contato com suas origens, através de pessoas que você talvez nunca tenha visto antes. E finalmente compreendemos o poder de compartilhar momentos reais e únicos num ritual de dança.

Todo final de festival enviamos nossa pesquisa de satisfação. No intuito de oferecer novas e melhores experiências durante nosso festival. E recebemos muitas respostas que dizem haver muita diversão, mas também há – talvez o mais importante – uma oportunidade real para se conectar com pessoas de outros lugares que também estão dançando forró na vida real…

2) Forró redefines


You know what we are talking about, the desire that happens between the two dancers, in a forró “arretado”, body to body, as “two merge into one”. Escaping, even for a few steps, from this pseudo reality of the screens, being lead and sometimes leading. We want to indulge in this much desired arrasta pé.

The two sides have a clear connection to each other and their movements are in perfect harmony. The opposing sides come together and seem to plunge into a trance, where the master is the music.

So let’s fulfil our desire. Choose between many great forró festivals here and there:

2) Forró redefine


Sabe aquele desejo de consumir e ser consumido a dois num forró arretado, corpo colado um no outro. Como que “dois se fundem em um”. Escapando, mesmo que por alguns passos, dessa pseudo realidade das telas. E nos deixando conduzir, e às vezes conduzindo. Nós queremos nos entregar nesse arrasta pé tão desejado.

Os dois lados conseguem trançar, entre si, uma nítida conexão, e seus movimentos entram em perfeita sintonia. Os lados opostos se juntam e parecem mergulhar num transe, onde a maestrina é a música.

Então vamos matar nosso desejo. Escolha entre grandes festivais de forró aqui e ali:

3) Meditation

for two

Forró has engaged so many Europeans to dance, as it has done for many years in Brazil and continues to do so. In its natural rhythm and cadenced by the triangle, zabumba and accordion. With often dubious and thought-provoking lyrics. It is necessary to feel it to begin to understand.

Forró has now taken its place in many lives, deeper and deeper, running in our veins, feeding our minds. And so we realise we have changed our lifestyle to the forró lifestyle. It becomes our moment of meditation for two.

Learning its steps is not enough! We want more, and we go after this cultural curiosity. It is spreading all around the world, teaching its sophisticated combination of many things in a whole. It’s music, it’s dance, it’s rhythm, it’s body language, it’s expression, it’s friendly, it’s meditation, it’s happening right now somewhere in the globe.

3) Meditação

a dois

O Forró fez com que tantos europeus começassem a dançar. Como tem feito por muitos anos no Brasil e continua a fazê-lo. No seu ritmo natural e cadenciado pelo triângulo, pela zabumba e sanfona. Com letras muitas vezes dúbias e instigantes que é necessário sentir, para começar a compreendê-lo.

O Forró tem tomado seu lugar em muitas vidas cada vez mais a fundo, correndo em nossas veias, alimentando nossas mentes, e então percebemos que mudamos nosso estilo de vida para o estilo de vida do forró. Tornando-se nosso momento meditativo a dois.

Aprender seus passos não é suficiente! Queremos mais, e vamos atrás dessa curiosidade cultural. Que está se espalhando por todo o mundo, ensinando sua combinação sofisticada de muitas coisas em um todo. É música, é dança, é ritmo, é linguagem corporal, é expressão, é amigável, é meditação, e está acontecendo agora em algum lugar no mundo 😉

4) What brings you

to festivals?

We are tired of watching life pass us by! We want to go further and do things we have never imagined we were able to do. It’s almost like being free for scarce moments! If that is a real possibility… But when we start to dance, every little thing falls into place, like no magic could ever do. And finally we are present in the present time, face to face!

And suddenly we are in agreement, listening to forró, dancing as if there was no yesterday and there is no tomorrow.

4) O que traz você

aos festivais?

Estamos cansados ​​de ver a vida passar bem na frente dos nossos olhos! Queremos ir mais longe e fazer coisas que nunca imaginamos sermos capazes de fazer. É quase como se fossemos livre por alguns instantes! Se isso é uma real possibilidade… Mas quando começamos a dançar, todas as coisas se encaixam, como nenhum passe de mágica seria capaz de fazer. E finalmente nós estamos presente no presente momento, de rostos colado.

E de repente estamos num comum acordo, ouvindo forró, dançando como se não houvesse ontem e nem amanhã.

5) All experience


At this point, our marketing team would love to ask you: “- How likely is it that you would recommend our forró festival to a friend or colleague?”. But instead of that we want you to take a break and imagine the perfect companion to take along with you to the festival.

“Be clear about why you’re going to our festival. If you’re looking for a life-altering transformative experience or just to find a casual hook-up, the best choice you might make is to take someone who has the same intent with you.”

We know there are many forrozeiras & forrozeiros who choose to come alone. Many opinions claim this to be the best option to make new friends. And if you want to know what is the age of our public, don’t ask our marketing team, it will make them go crazy… lol

5) Toda experiância


Neste ponto, nossa equipe de marketing adoraria perguntar: “- Quão provável é que você recomendaria nosso festival de forró a um amigo ou colega?”. Mas em vez disso queremos fazer uma pausa, para imaginar a companhia perfeita para levar conosco ao festival.

“Então, seja claro sobre suas reais intenções ao vir para o nosso festival de forró. Caso você esteja procurando uma experiência transformadora que pode mudar a sua vida ou apenas para encontrar um relacionamento casual. A melhor escolha que você pode fazer é viajar com alguém que tenha uma intenção parecida.”

Nós sabemos que existem forrozeiras&forrozeiros que escolhem vir sozinhos. Muitas opiniões que recebemos, afirmam que é a melhor opção para fazer novas amizades. E caso você queira saber a idade do público que vem ao festival, não pergunte ao nosso marketing… rs

6) Festival of

face and expressions

After four days of dancing, most probably we will be in a different state of mind from when we arrived at the festival. Or maybe we have just lost ourselves somewhere between those many turns and spins… yups

We put lot of effort to bring together this festival, and as Terra always says: “It would not be possible without all forrozeiras & forrozeiros”.

Forró festivals are held for one simple reason only: To bring us face-to-face with this great manifestation of dance and music.

6) Festival de

rostos e expressões

Depois de quatro dias dançando, bem provavelmente estaremos num estado de espírito diferente de quando chegamos. Ou talvez, só tenhamos nos perdidos em tantos giros… uhuu

Investimos muito esforço para montar este festival, e como Terra sempre diz: “Não seria possível sem todas vocês forrozeiras&forrozeiros”.

Festivais de forró são realizados por uma razão bem simples: Para nos colocar de rosto colado com a grande manifestação da dança e da música.

7) It is not always, but sometimes

we need a festival

I don’t know about you, but forró made my growing up back in Brazil easier. Being shy and all, forró showed me I could be in contact with another person without the social pressure. That I could just be myself, and that my inner silence was over, I was completely taken by Forró’s steps and music.

In forró there are always steps to follow. In life it may even seem different, but is it? The other day my mother told me: “Brush your teeth, put on your pyjamas and go to bed, ‘cause tomorrow you have school!” Well, it’s true that I’ve grown up since then, but I keep brushing my teeth, putting on my pyjamas and going to bed, because tomorrow I have work… :-/

Now I’m waiting for Sunday, listening to Dominguinhos and dragging my foot under the office table. It’s like I still hear the squeak of that slipper … lol

7) Não é sempre, mas às vezes

precisamos de um festival

Eu não faço ideia sobre vocês, mas o forró facilitou minha juventude no Brasil. O forró me mostrou que eu poderia estar em contato com outra pessoa sem essa pressão social. E eu poderia ser eu. E aquele silêncio interior, tinha acabado. Eu estava completamente de corpo colado com o Forró e sua música.

No forró sempre tem aquele seguindo os passos. Na vida pode até parecer diferente. Mas será? Outro dia minha mãe me disse: “- Escova os dentes, veste o pijama e já pra cama dormir que amanhã tem escola!” Bom, é bem verdade que eu cresci desde então, mas continuo escovando os dentes, vestindo meu pijama e indo dormir. Porque amanhã eu trabalho… :-/

Agora fico esperando domingo, ouvindo Dominguinhos e arrastando o pé de baixo da mesa do escritório. É como se eu ainda ouvisse o chiado daquele chinelo… rs


8) The journey to a festival can provide

surprising collateral benefits.

It’s incredible but the Forró de Domingo Festival has already 10 years. For a child 10 years are two hands full. For the forró it’s just another chapter being written.

Maybe 10 years from now we can look back and remember those steps we learned. Or perhaps we are going to be teaching our own children these same steps.

But one thing we know for sure, Forró will remain playing somewhere in the globe!

8) A jornada pelo festival pode proporcionar

benefícios colaterais surpreendentes.

É incrível mas o Festival do Forró de Domingo já completou 10 anos. Para uma criança 10 anos são duas mãos cheias. Para o forró é só mais um capítulo sendo escrito.

Talvez daqui 10 anos possamos olhar para trás e lembrar daqueles passos que aprendemos. Talvez estejamos ensinando aos nossos filhos esses mesmos passos.

Mas uma coisa nós sabemos ao certo, o Forró ainda vai estar tocando em algum lugar no mundo!


Do you have any experience you would like to share? What was your most transcendental experience in forró? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


March 5, 2017 0

Choosen System

Is now closed!

Check out the chosen teachers.

Access here the chosen teacher’s list for this edition!

In forró there is always following steps.

Check out how you can participate on choosing the teachers who will give lessons on this festival’s edition!


Step one

Access on top menu the option -> CHOOSE!

Where you can take a peek and pick your 9 teachers out of +50!

Step two

To give your vote, under your choosen teacher select the option ->VOTE NOW

Before choosing your teacher, you will be prompted to enter your user’s name and password.


Step three

If you already have register yourself, just fill in ->USER and ->PASS fields to log in.

If you have forget your access data here with us. Don’t worry on next step we’ll tell you what to do!

Step four

If you don’t remember your data, select the option ->LOST YOUR PASSWORD?

If you don’t have register yet here with us. Don’t worry on next step we’ll tell you what to do!


Step five

If you don’t have register here with us yet, select the option ->CREATE ACCOUNT

Just fill in ->USER NAME, -> E-MAIL ADDRESS and ->PASSWORD fields and then select ->CREATE MY ACCOUNT.

Step six

If you already have register here with us, go back to STEP FOUR

Other wise try another ->USER NAME and follow next steps.


Step seven

Welcome to our Festival Website!

Start by taking a peek on every teacher!

Step eight

To buy your ticket select option under teacher image.

You only get to choose after purchasing at least one day festival ticket.


Step nine

You will be redirect to our Ticket Platform ->EVENTBRITE

Here you get to choose what ticket to purchase. At least one day festival ticket is required to vote.

Step ten

After you have bougth at least your One Day Ticket go back to our page to ->CHOOSE!

Now you can take a peek and pick your 9 teachers out of +50!


Step eleven

Every time you choose a teacher, you will be prompted to enter your e-mail for confirmation.

Just fill in with your e-mail e confirm your vote.

Step twelve

Now you will receive a message ->VOTED SUCCESSFULLY

Just repeat this step to every teacher you choose and that is it.
You can also share with your Facebook friends!


Step thirten

Now you will see under your chosen teacher the word ->VOTED.

Remmeber you can’t undo your vote. So be sure to choose your right option.
Thanks for your participation!


March 4, 2017 Jiordano Terra0

Dear Forrozeiras & Forrozeiros,

The countdown for our 2017 festival has begun.


… There are some key questions regarding the new procedure of our Forró Festival this year.

I would love to give answer to all, I will try to give to most frequently asked ones.

Yes, it is true!

All 51 teachers & dance partners from our choosing system are invited to take part in this year’s Festival, making the event with their participation even richer.

They can make part in the Festival like you and me, participating in the classes, and dancing a lot at the parties

Many of you have asked us.

– How does the whole process of registration and voting for the teachers happened? Why are some known teachers missing?

We sent out personal invitations.

Some of them by phone call and others by private message. Every single teachers we knew were doing some kind of work with forró, we got in touch.

Besides that, we posted the information and registration form link on several forró pages in facebook, giving the opportunity for any teacher in the world to also participate.

The current list was created with all application we received: www.forrofestival.com/you-choose

ALL THESE TEACHERS, even if not selected to teach in the festival, are invited to participate in the event, making it with their presence, we believe, even richer than in previous years.

Another question is about teachers turn over.

– There were some teachers at the beginning of the choosing process, but now they just disappear. Why?

After choosing process began, some of the teachers decided to book other work opportunity.

Unfortunitely at the same time of our Festival, so they asked us to remove their application from our list.

There are also some concerns about festival schedule .

– I want to participate, but without schedule, I don’t know which day I should do it. How long do I have to wait?

Our new ticket system is very flexible and transferable.

Before the festival begins, you can always change day, level and even name of your ticket.

So no worries there. After we launch festival schedules on April, you can always change your ticket to fit your desire.

Last but not least.

– When is the choosing procedure closed? How are you going to decide about the choosen teachers?

The choosing process will end about 2 and a half to 3 months before the festival begins.

If we don’t achieve 1.000 votes until this date. The representative number we’ve defined.

Then we will need to think about making a compromise between the choosen ones and the requirements of the festival participants.

As we believe to know it from the experience and feedback of the past 9 years.

… There are much more to tell about everthing is happening around this event this year. I’ll try to write you more frequently, if you wish.

Cheers, Terra.